40+ Your life, your rules!

Full & Juicy dating
in 3 months
without having to change who you are!

Revolutionary training for women over 40, dating younger men for self liberation and a sexier life.

Are you

  • Successful in other fields but can’t find quality intimate connections?
  • Longing for great sex but not into cheap hookups?
  • Tired of being a good girl and ready to fully enjoy life?


I have a tested solution for you to create an easy and fun, yet meaningful dating & sex life.


... what it would be like to hear the constant pings of messages from guys wanting to see you…, getting ready for fun dates where you are not expected to be anything other than yourself..., having great sex regularly... and friends complimenting you on how you are glowing lately! If I told you that it’s all possible for you, would you want to know how?

Let’s “Go Young”!

Dating a specific type of younger
makes life a lot easier and a hell of a lot more fun. Why not enjoy the same benefits men have been indulging in for centuries?!

“From zero dates to quality, young men lining up, wanting to spend time with you!”
The Free We Roll Program is now available for you!

HOW CAN YOU KNOW that this program works?

I walk my talk, Girl!


I too have experienced what it’s like to be suddenly invisible after a certain age. Through my own journey I've learned:

  • There is a specific demographic of men excited to date 40+ women.
  • No need to search, they will find you if you know how to present yourself.
  • Dating is easy and super fun when you let go of outdated rules and expectations.

Meet Berta

“I’ve tried it, doing it, living it – One of the best decisions of my life!”

This knowledge was gathered down in the trenches not at a desk. I have tested every step in real life. As a result, I am all but invisible and my sex life is beyond amazing.

You too can have the time of your life. Not despite the fact that you are over 40, but exactly because of that!

“Women in their 40s are deeply sexy - all shapes, colors and sizes.”

Do you want to have an exciting, juicy love life right now?

You too can have the time of your life You too can have the time of your life

Looks like this in practice:

  • Together we will challenge the outdated rules of society & dating and kick frustrating expectations to the curb.
  • You’ll set up your dating profile and start dating during the course.
  • The videos, training materials and exercises will give you insight and actionable advice that you can use immediately in real-life.
  • You’ll learn to recognize, attract and date the type of young men who are willing and able to value you for who you are.

The process is fun
from start to finish.

Like learning how to eat
cake really, really well!

“Are you serious?”
“Can this be this easy?”

– you might be asking.
Yes, it can. Let me show you how easy life can be when you follow your own rules!

You invest in results only!

Ok, I want this now!

100% Money Back Guarantee

The process is fun from start to finish. The process is fun from start to finish.

The Free We Roll Program works because:

It is using your specific strengths, and turning them into your superpower

  • This training is not a collection of generic advice. It is highly specialized, built exactly for your age range understanding your life-phase.
  • Instead of manipulation - that is never sustainable in the long run – you’ll learn to stand in your unique power and select partners who are willing to appreciate your special value.
  • Dating young guys is fun. Joy is the best motivation for learning.

The Free We Roll Training step-by-step here: The training

Everything you learn, you’ll be able to use in real life straight away



  • Zero dates
  • Having to lower your expectations

  • Feeling powerless in the dating game

  • Messing up because of anxiety
  • Arrow
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  • Arrow

  • Arrow

With FWR

  • Multiple dates per week
  • Dating men who are both Hot and Interesting
  • Experiencing the magnetism of your grown-up, feminine vibe
  • Having a relaxed confidence allowing you to fully enjoy dating

This will work for you if:

  • You are not hell-bent on finding “The One” some day, you’d rather have fun Now!
  • You are successful or moving towards success in other areas of life, so you have the drive to go after what you want.
  • You don’t feel old, you know you still have plenty of playfulness in you.
  • Tried following the common path in dating but it’s not working, ready to try something different.
  • You feel that after all your hard work now it’s your time to enjoy life to the fullest.

I am inviting you to join the circle of amazing, independent women who dare to color outside the lines and create new rules.

Join and start your New Life today!

Why waste years when with FWR you could experience positive change in a few weeks?!

Get started now

100% Money Back Guarantee The materials are instantly available
100% secure payment Privacy protection garantee

You are investing in results not promises!

100% Money Back Guarantee - No questions asked

This transformational program is a real game changer, so I am confident to give you DOUBLE GUARANTEE:

  1. 30 days Trial Guarantee – If for any reason you feel this program is not for you, write an e-mail to Veronica within 30 days from purchase to info@freeweeroll.com and she will wire your money back with no questions asked.
  2. Extra Guarantee – 9 months Results Guarantee – Keep using the Program for an additional 6 months and if you still don’t see positive change in your dating life at the end of the 9th month after purchase, all you have to do is e-mail Veronica at info@freeweroll.com attaching your filled out worksheets and she will wire your money back.

Join the program now

and get additional gifts to boost your results!

Join now

Do you have a question I have not covered yet?

Check out these frequently asked ones!

The basic principles of dating are universal. Any age group over 20 would find many of the lessons useful. Yet dating younger men brings different challenges and rewards for women at different age ranges. This training works best for those in their 40s and early 50s using the wisdom, experience and freedom that comes with age.

The program teaches you why it’s great to date younger men and how it’s done best. Still, it is entirely up to you who you date. I recommend dating only one age group (at a time) because different age groups require different approaches.

Not at all. But looking older than your age will not help. I consider myself an average looking woman. I have never been the center of the attention amongst peers in my earlier years. But now, I am rockin’ it like never before! Of course, putting an effort in looking good, looking fresh, makes a difference and probably natural to a grown woman, especially, when planning to enter the dating market. (You are welcome to check out my wrinkles on my photos. Also, there is a reason why these photos are made by a professional and not selfies made in the morning, fresh out of bed…just sayin’.)

You don’t have to give up on marriage or a long-term relationship at all! In fact, this training can help you get the confidence and radiant feminine power that allows you to attract and choose well if and when you decide to settle down, perhaps with a slightly more “age appropriate” man. (As if I gave a ship to the concept of “appropriate”, but for the sake of understanding let’s use that phrase.) Just imagine! When you can date dudes 10+ years younger than yourself, you show up more confident when a man of your age approaches you. But let’s concentrate on having fun in the present!

Certainly, but maybe not the way you want it to. The program will not teach you how to get a man – who’s clearly not interested – fall in love with you. But you will learn to get comfortable with yourself, your needs, and act with more grace, create healthy boundaries and become more confident. These are all traits that can make you more attractive. Maybe by the end of the course you realise that you are worth a lot more than an uninterested man.

The program focuses primarily on online dating and teaches you techniques to attract men online but also, you will learn how to move the online communication offline as soon as possible. There are plenty of exercises that aim to give you an insight to yourself, your goals and values, helping you build a strong base on which you can build relationships both online and offline.

As I said, if you don’t get results, you get your money back.

It’s that simple.

Please note,

only 5 VIP Training
places are left

for this season’s admission.


Downloadable training materials, learning from home.

  • Module 1-4, Month 1 – WHY, WHAT
    Creating a magnetic dating profile, setting up personal dating rules - boosting your confidence
  • Module 5-7, Month 2 – HOW
    Starting Dating Smart: Step-by-step process using a unique concept making dating easier & fun
  • Module 8-12, Month 3 – “KIND BADASSary”
    Letting go of misleading beliefs & having sex on Your terms. Letting go of the fear of messing up
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Bonus 1: How can you be sexier without changing your looks?
  • Bonus 2: Date Tracker sheet
598 USD
OR save 100 USD and
498 USD


The full coach & best friend experience - personal support.

    • Module 1-4, (Month 1) – WHY, WHAT
      Creating a magnetic dating profile, setting up personal dating rules - boosting your confidence.
    • Module 5-7, (Month 2) – HOW
      Starting Dating Smart: Step-by-step process using a unique concept making dating easier & fun
    • Module 8-12, Month 3 – “KIND BADASSary”
      Letting go of misleading beliefs & having sex on Your terms. Letting go of the fear of messing up
    • 100% Money Back Guarantee
    • Bonus 1: How can you be sexier without changing your looks?
    • Bonus 2: Date Tracker sheet
    • Total 7 hours of one-on-one online/phone consultation
    • End of module personal written Q&A coaching sets
    • VIP Gift 1: Learn to use your mistakes! – Exercise
    • VIP Gift 2: Loneliness and Aimlessness – find a better mindset!

VIP package 975 USD

Stuck? Unsure? Need support?

I would love to answer all your questions.

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